The academic life is odd. It requires a deep investment of
time studying a relatively narrow topic. It involves broad familiarity
with a wide and ever-expanding field of knowledge. It puts one’s mind on display daily, open to
the evaluation of others. It can do a
number on your ego. Of course, it is
also a life of great reward, from working with students in formative ways, growing
with colleagues, and speaking to the wider public that, despite a current of
anti-intellectualism of U.S. culture, still holds the professoriate in high
One of the features of the academic life that is often not
well understood outside our community is the custom of tenure. It may seem to be a reward for sticking it out
for certain amount of time, or a kind of union rule run amok, protecting
incompetence into retirement. The reason for tenure at the university level, however, is not to pacify the academic life, but to enhance it. Tenure helps to ensure
intellectual freedom and protect faculty in the pursuit of truth. Pursuing truth means going where the data
lead, creating what is crying out for creation, or applying an interpretation
that seems correct, even if it runs against conventional wisdom or political
interests. Tenure is meant to protect
the work of scholars from political pressure and cultural currents, so that the
truth can be pursued and spoken. The institution grants it because it believes these faculty will pursue truth in their research and teaching, and enhance the life of the community.
At the same time, tenure has the potential to be abused,
so it is neither easy to get, nor inviolable. At Wheaton College, as at most
institutions, it takes seven years of service to earn the right to apply for
tenure. The application is accompanied
by evidence of strength in teaching, scholarship, student mentoring, and institutional
service. At Wheaton as at most
institutions, it is a justifiably high bar.
Once tenure is earned, faculty must still demonstrate competence in
these four areas, but, as Tobin Grant has recently written, once the faculty
member has made the case through the tenure application and tenure has been
granted, the institution bestows a new measure of trust.
At an institution such as Wheaton, the trust granted with
tenure has deeper and more consequential significance than just professional
competence. David Lansdale argued in a Stanford dissertation written in1990 that faculty are often the “liberalizing” influence pushing a Christian college
away from its sectarian mission to a broadly secular, pluralist
For that reason, every faculty member at Wheaton, since at least the 1920’s,
has been under some theological scrutiny in order to be awarded tenure. As part
of our process to earn tenure, we all write an academic “Faith and Learning
Paper” in which we think Christianly within our discipline, whether we work in
areas of theology or not. This is not as easy for the average physicist, music
theorist, or ecologist as it is for a Christian theologian or Bible scholar,
but we all engage this process with integrity, understanding the centrality of
this work to Wheaton’s mission. Thus, tenure is meant to represent the work of
the faculty member to earn the trust of the institution, and the granting of it
as the sign that this trust has, in fact, been earned.
Given the events of the past month, I am concerned about the
relationship of tenure to our ability to teach and do scholarship, and what it
may mean in the future. As Dr. Noah Toly
recently covered in a careful and thoughtful piece, in what we have seen, it
appears that the questions around Dr. Hawkins’ theology were answered in her
December 17 statement to the administration. It seems that her explanations
were clear and acceptable. It appears that the underlying issue that what she
has written in response to legitimate administrative questions is not being
trusted. The request for additional conversation,
then, makes me nervous.
Now it is clear that in the situation with Dr. Hawkins trust
has been damaged on both sides. This is why reconciliation is necessary. Yet
the power still largely rests with the institution, insofar as Dr. Hawkins’ job
and the meaning of tenure is concerned.
Let me be clear that I am not accusing
Wheaton of an abuse of power in this case. I believe that the administrators
and trustees have acted in what they feel are the interests of the college, an
institution they have been charged to protect. I know and respect the
administrators involved and believe them to be men of great character and
integrity. I do not know many of the
trustees personally, but have interacted with almost all of them (some I do
count as friends) and believe them all people of good will. More importantly, they are the ones with the
significant responsibility to protect and advance the mission and identity of
Wheaton. This is no small thing. But Larycia Hawkins is the vulnerable person, and, as she has said, this decision affects us all. It affects all faculty and our relationships with our students, our colleagues, and the institution. Changing academic jobs is not a simple matter, as one's academic profile often becomes adapted to the place where you choose to invest. My sister, Larycia, has demonstrated that there are risks to take stands, but we stand with those in common cause to defend what we believe is important and right.
Wearing my regalia in solidarity with Larycia Hawkins is not
to stand against Wheaton, or to shame or belittle those who act on its behalf.
Instead, I seek to stand with the mission and meaning of Wheaton as an
institution for Christ and His Kingdom, where we can trust one another in this
mission. I wear it because I believe in the integrity of tenure and its
importance to the academic life. I wear
it because I believe that Larycia Hawkins has acted with integrity to uphold
the ideals of academic freedom, and I stand with her in seeking a restoration
of the relationship between her and Wheaton College. I wear it because I
believe in the mission of Wheaton as an institution of higher education rooted
in a Christian mission guided by God and His word. I wear it to stand with the
ideals of this school and my fellow faculty who strive to uphold them.
This is a time of great pain for Wheaton as so many watch a
conflict unfold that is legal, theological, interpersonal, cultural, and
spiritual in various measures. Faculty, students, alumni, parents, and trustees
have invested deeply into the mission of Wheaton. In practicing this form of embodied solidarity, I hope to say
to a watching world that I am engaged in this process. I care about Larycia and
the outcome of this. I care about how Wheaton is perceived within and beyond
our community. I care about the integrity of our processes, the integrity of
policies such as tenure, and the trust it represents. As a tenured faculty
member, I want to be trusted that my yes will mean yes, and my no means
no. I want to be viewed as a partner in
this work.
In the end, there are not “sides” to this. The Trustees are given the responsibility to
shepherd the mission of Wheaton College, and we are all given the
responsibility and opportunity to uphold it. I believe we are all on the same
side. And very soon I expect to stand, in my regalia, with us all.
[1] H/t
to Wheaton librarian and historian David Malone for posting portions of this
dissertation on line and summarizing its basic argument. Although there is not,
as far as I can tell, an accessible online version, its existence can be verified
through the hyperlink.
Thanks for your thoughts Professor. My heart hurts for my school community and I'm glad to see this conflict met with maturity and responsibility by the faculty, as I'd expect. To me, the hardest part about this is what you said last, that there are no sides here. From the outside looking in, I don't understand how this happened if we're all really on the same side. Regardless, it's good to see someone among the faculty who has to walk that line daily able to uphold faith in both parties involved.
This was a very thoughtful and hopeful piece. Thanks for this.
Lansdale’s dissertation has a lot of good stuff in it, but I think Mike Hamilton’s “The Fundamentalist Harvard” does a good job of (implicitly) critiquing and correcting Lansdale's assumptions about “the integration of faith and learning” at Wheaton and in Christian higher ed in general. If you haven't had the chance to read it yet, I strongly recommend it.
Thanks Ted. I have read parts of Hamilton's work, but I should sit down and cover-to-cover it some time. The reason I cited Lansdale's piece, however, is that it has been said that his dissertation has shaped decisions at Wheaton in the past. And whether any current trustees have read his work, it seems that in the past the notion that faculty might need to be "reigned in" has been a notion that at least the faculty have felt was operative in some decisions.
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